293 Hendrickson Avenue
Lynbrook, NY 11563
P: 516-596-4280
F: 516-596-3026

Presentations, Programs and Seminars

PAUL FACELLA is a former McDonald's executive who has authored the bestselling book, Everything I Know About Business I Learned at McDonald's (McGraw-Hill), which was named among the Top 5 Business Books by USA Today and Shanghai Press. At the peak of his 34-year career at McDonald's, he was Vice President of the New York Region for 12 years, quadrupling its revenues to over $600 million. He's now a sought-after keynote speaker and CEO/President of Inside Management, a consulting firm that advises businesses and executives. Facella has appeared widely in print and radio venues. He has been quoted as a business expert in over 45 newspaper and trade publications, most recently in Business Week. In addition, he was featured on FOX Business News, the Canadian Broadcasting Company and Good Morning America. Paul has presented in a number of institutions such as St. Joseph's College, Nassau Community College, William Patterson College, CW Post, Pace University, The Institute for Culinary Education, and other schools of higher learning.

Program I: "Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's"

Based on the bestselling book Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's, author Paul Facella entertains audiences in this presentation-style program where the 34 year McDonald's veteran discusses the 7 Leadership principals that have been embraced by the company and that drive "break-out success". Filled with stories and first hand experiences he had with people like Ray Kroc and Fred Turner, this engaging seminar reveals real-time examples of how key principals can work and be applied to YOUR business. Other (published and non-published) comments from among the 60 or more executives, franchisees and suppliers Facella interviewed for the book are revealed to show the power of the basics that continue to drive the most successful food service organization in the world.

Style: Presentation, accompanied by slide show, followed by Q & A
Run time: Customized from 75 minutes up to 2 hours
Who Should Attend: Franchisee's, Directors of Operations, Key Management, Supervisors, all business leaders.
Materials: Hand-outs with Key Points of Customized Program. A copy of the bestselling book can be added; Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's (Optional book signing arrangements can be made)
Ideal Group Size: 50-200 people and up

"The sentiments expressed and the experiences so eloquently demonstrated in Paul's book clearly define how this company engaged and keeps ‘ketchup flowing' in the blood" - Janann Williams, vice president of people, McClane Company, Inc. and former Director of HR for McDonald's

"All of the feedback we have received about your presentation has been outstanding. Everyone seemed to resonate with different portions of your presentation and really enjoyed you as a speaker." - Laura Wexler McD IT

"Paul's program was very well received. From what I saw in glancing through the evaluation forms, he got glowing marks." Chuck Graziano, President, The Alternative Board, NJ

"McDonald's McNuggets of wisdom, it's management philosophy is as simple as it's menu, but don't underestimate it's effectiveness." -Michael Arndt, Business Week

Program II: "Under the Arches"

Seen and experienced through the eyes of the bestselling author of Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's, Paul Facella, a 34-year career McDonald's Executive reveals the many lessons learned from crew-person to corporate vice president and all the operations positions in between. Facella makes known relevant and often unknown success stories and also traces some of the difficult times that were experienced by the company in the 80's and into 2000 with the new leadership teams. What worked? What did not? Included in this penetrating presentation's key areas of learning are: communications, goal setting, leadership skills and team development. Attendees can expect the content to be informative, impactful and actionable.

Style: Town Hall presentation, interactive, group discussion, group action planning
Run time: Customized from 90 minutes up to 2 hours
Who Should Attend: Owner/Operators, Directors of Operations, Key Management, Supervisors of food retail business
Materials: Hand-outs with Key Points of Customized Program. A copy of the bestselling book: Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's (Optional book signing arrangements can be made)
Ideal Group Size: 12-17 people

"You have done an excellent job of outlining what it takes to make things work within an organization and deliver a difference to the customer, today it seems so simple, yet I am not seeing it happen" – John F. Ecceston, Leadership Solutions

Program III: "5 Key Lessons for the Successful Business Leaders"

In this riveting must-see program, Paul Facella, unlocks the 5 key elements of the most successful franchise in business. Some of the key learnings are specifically from his bestselling book, but others are revealed right here for the first time. These are the unpublished stories and studies of the key factors that launched many entrepreneurs to great success in highly competitive businesses in which many others failed. What did they do differently than their peers? You will have access to Paul's 34 years of McDonald's experience along with other success stories of franchise organizations he has personally consulted over the past 8 years highlighting their best practices. In this penetrating presentation, attendees should expect to cover topics such as team building, financial acumen, engagement of your business, and the importance of individual franchise organizational culture. This is a program that no serious participant has ever regretted attending and one you can't afford to miss.

Style: Lecture, accompanied by slide show, group action planning. Alternate format: Keynote Speech
Run time: Customized from 60 minutes- 2 hours and/or multiple days with other relevant topics added.
Who Should Attend: Owner/Operators, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners
Materials: Hand-outs with Key Points of Customized Program. A copy of the bestselling book: Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's (Optional book signing arrangements can be made)
Ideal Group Size: 12-200 people or more

"I was at the event. Paul is a man with great experience, knowledge, and focus. He helped me refocus on my vision." – John Robertson, business owner commenting after presentation at The Alternative Board, New York

"Thus far we have followed your advice and its been nothing short of stellar!" Jonathan Herman; CEO, Home Healthmates

Program IV: "People, Environment, Direction"

This dynamic program is a culmination of bestselling author Paul Facella's interpretation of three basics that IM looks at within an organizational structure and how that impacts the staff, the culture and ultimately the success of that organization. Years of tracking positive traits in successful people in business, the environment that gets results, and the organization that can lead in a clear succinct direction, has helped Paul and his group to skillfully capture these 3 secrets to success. Program participants who believe in making every moment count will soon realize that their time was well spent.

Among The Topics Covered Are:

People Selection and Training
Motivation and Engagement
Importance of Relationships
Environment Developing the Culture
Importance of Good Communications
Courage and Risk Taking
Direction Goal Setting
Performance Appraisals
How Leadership Really Works

Style: Classroom or individual round table training accompanied by slides, group action planning. Alternate format: Break-out groups to accommodate large numbers of attendees. This can also be in a Keynote Speech format
Run time: Customized from 2 - 4 hours per session and/or multiple days with the utilization of several topics
Who Should Attend: Anyone in leadership/management position
Materials: Hand-outs with Key Points of Customized Program. A copy of the bestselling book: Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's (Optional book signing arrangements can be made)
Ideal Group Size: 20-50 people / 100+ for Keynote Speech option

"Your emphasis on team building and employee development certainly parallels the management abilities that the students are attempting to maser in this program. The examples that you gave bridged the gap between the theories that the students learn in the classroom and real world experience" - Linda Fonte, Associate Dean Graduate Management Studies, St. Joseph's College

"I am writing to thank you for the superb presentation that you gave at the Prosperity Series in March. The reviews from the 200 attendees were very positive, and this event will go down as one of the best we have had in our 5 year history." Stephen Davies, CEO Tab NY, Nassau

Program V: "5 Mistakes Business Leaders Make"

In this riveting must-see program, Paul Facella, shares his observations from having worked with hundreds of McDonald's licensees, as well as clients in his consulting business for the last 12 years. He covers: Disengagement, Financial Awareness, Recognition, Lack of Specific Direction, and the pitfalls of NOT developing a team.

Style: Address/speech, accompanied by slide show, group action planning. Alternate format: Keynote Speech
Run time: Customized from 60 minutes- 2 hours and/or multiple days with other relevant topics added.
Who Should Attend: Entrepreneurs, Corporate Leadership, Business Owners
Materials: Hand-outs with Key Points of Customized Program. A copy of the bestselling book: Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's (Optional book signing arrangements can be made)
Ideal Group Size: 12-200 people or more

"I was at the event. Paul is a man with great experience, knowledge, and focus. He helped me refocus on my vision." – John Robertson, business owner commenting after presentation at The Alternative Board, New York

"Thus far we have followed your advice and its been nothing short of stellar!" Jonathan Herman; CEO, Home Healthmates

Additional Programs:

  • Importance of Performance Appraisals
  • Ten Ways to Leverage your Company Grapevine
  • How Measurement Always Improves Performance
  • Three Perks that Work in Lieu of Raises
  • How to Inspire Employees through Recognition
  • Harassment and Inclusion in the Workplace

Inside Management's PRIDETM Management Development Workshops:

In this workshop series, the team at Inside Management, Ltd. has created a series that blends the skills required for today's managers, with proven training methods and content. This unique workshop model provides the participants with insight into the motivating factors that guide people's performance. This series is offered in its entirety, or in various customizable combinations of modules selected individually or in bundles that fit your organizational goals. Each session is delivered in bursts of 2-4 hours using case studies, interactive facilitation, team role plays and action learning goal setting with real-time commitments. Inside Management Ltd. offers PRIDETM Management Development Workshops in these 8 Areas:

  1. Communications
  2. Leadership Styles- Including Situational Leadership
  3. Performance Enhancement
  4. Role of a Supervisor
  5. Team Building
  6. Relationship Management
  7. Dealing with Difficult People
  8. Time Management and Planning

Those who have been through training with Paul and his team at Inside Management agree that Inside Management has captured the most requested subjects for future learning.

PRIDETM (Premier Individual Development ProgramTM) has proved to increase employee retention in organizations that participated in this valuable training.

Style: Classroom or round table training accompanied by slides, group action planning. Alternate format: General Session & Break-out groups to accommodate large numbers of attendees
Run time: Customized from 2 - 4 hours per session for a minimum of 1 day per program. Program recommended to expand to 2 ½ days with the utilization of several topics.
Who Should Attend: Business Owners, Key Leadership and Management Staff
Materials: Hand-outs with Key Points of Customized Program. A copy of the bestselling book: Everything I Know About Business, I Learned at McDonald's (Optional signing arrangements can be made)
Ideal Group Size: 12-15 people

Inside Management's Award-Winning Coaching Programs

Coaching is a personalized approach to enhance individual performance. Paul Facella and the Inside Management team, provide a personalized approach to the enhancement of individual performance. This powerful method of developing key competencies within individuals has uniquely astounding results. The coach becomes a mentor, a relationship partner, and a teacher to the participant. The coaching role is delivered in its traditional method and can be customized in many variations to suit the specific organization.

Our Group Coaching Program also known as Gateways to LeadershipTM is a Two-Time NATIONALLY AWARD WINNING PROGRAM and is available for groups of participants of 10-15 per class. Designed to target high achievers within an organization, GTLTM targets the participant's individual competencies to achieve subtle improvements in the areas identified. This twelve-week program has more than 10 years of successfully tracked results. This no-nonsense blend of group training and individual participation complete with action planning, goals and measurement has nearly a 105% average percentage rate of positive change*.

*based upon scores generated over a 10 year period with more than 1000 participants measured

Style: Individual Coaching Sessions are one-on-one. Group sessions if requested with 8 or more individuals are in a classroom session
Run time: Customized at 1 hour per individual session and 3 hours per group learning session.
Who Should Attend: Minimum level management up to office level and executive development
Materials: Customize Progress Map traces improvement, Initial contract of goals to achieve are agreed upon by participant, coach and sponsor. Progress is continually monitored and measured upon the conclusion. Weekly goals and objectives are established and agreed upon
Ideal Group Size: Individual: 1 person Group Training 8-12 people per group

"Getting my monthly coaching has improved our organizations growth substantially" – Eric Partaker, Chilango cofounder, UK

"My experience in the Inside Management Coaching Program was and is priceless. This program has helped me learn to deal with adversity in all forms, types, and levels. I say 'is' because I still use some of the principles today in my new position. I was recently promoted and I know that the coaching I received helped me to make it to another level." - R. M., Reporting Analyst

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Copyright © 2003 Inside Management LLC

6 Benefits of a Bottom Rung Job 10 Tips for Smart Cost Cutting How to Inspire Employees Through Recognition Give them something to talk about; 10 Ways to Leverage Your Companies Grapevine Keep the door open-and Nine More Ways to be Both a Respected and well-loved Boss

March 7th, St. John's University, NY; Presentation on "Lesson's of Leadership in Business" March 28th, Scottsdale Arizona, 2012 Restaurant Leadership Conference; Panel Moderator, "What's the Special Sauce?" October 28 2011 New York State Association of Fire Districts; Presentation; "Diversity, Respect and Inclusion in the Fire Service" October 8th 2011 Flower Tent Corp. Presentation to Franchisee's; "5 Common Mistakes of Business Organizations" Wilkes Barre, Pa. June 17 2011 "Everything I Learned About Business I Learned at McDonalds" makes the NY Times Summer Reading List. Febuary 8th 2011 International of Culinary Education, NYC; Presentation, "Behind the Arches" 10/10 NY Business Expo NY; "Supersize your success through Customer Service" 5/10 Boston Business Expo; "Supersize your success through Customer Service"